Get the oven preheated for these 2 great dog treat recipes that we have found and are sharing with our visitors!
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Back to School Blues? It Might Be Time for Dog Daycare
Canine Back to School Blues?
Yes, it’s a real thing. If the kids went off to college this year, like you, your pet may also be coping with the new found empty-nest. This usually occurs when their daily routine of companionship suddenly changes; so it makes sense if your pet just went from spending the entire Summer with the kids to suddenly being alone the majority of the day.
Every Night is Movie Night
Dog boarding that includes movie timeĀ When creating the Dogwoods, we wanted to create an atmosphere for your pets that truly felt like home. I spent numerous hours thinking long and hard about the many things that a dog may experience in their normal day to day lives with their […]
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